Monday, December 29, 2008

Gorillas in the Mist?

Its one of those days. When you think Canadian weather can no longer surprise you it sure does.

Its a sun free day in Dawson City. There is an eerie glow. And a weather phenomenon I would like to call "Freezing Fog". There is another F word that would aptly fit in front of those two but I'm keeping this PG. I had no clue what it was til the sun "came up". I thought it was so cold I have having this haze hallucination. Under -40 can do that to a Southerner. Its really cool to see the outline of the trees on the mountains through the fog.

This funky fog is not a degree of awesome that would make me stay outside any longer than absolutely necessary.

I also learned an important lesson today. Touching any metal with skin at under -40 weather is painful. So keys will now be used with huge mittens. Lesson learned.

1 comment:

J. William Finch said...

You froze your fingers too your keys? Thats harsh.